About Us

We believe in spreading love and positivity amongst all humans. 
This brand stands for the reality of truths and facts.

There are only 2 genders, and that is a fact.

However, ideologies are personal beliefs, and everyone is entitled to have their own.

Here are some examples, and how they fit into the binary truth of male and female:

  • transgender: Transgender people believe they are the opposite gender they were assigned at birth. "Transgender" is not itself a gender. They were one of the above two genders, and now they believe they are the other.

  • agender: To assert "I have no gender; I am agender; agender is a gender" is a logical contradiction. There are two genders, but not everyone believes they belong to one. There are two genders, and they believe they belong to neither. ("Irreligious" is not a religion.)

  • bigender: A similar argument can be given. "I have two genders; I am a man and a woman; I am bigender" implies logically that bigender cannot be a gender. 

  • gender-fluid: Gender-fluid people believe they can flow back and forth between genders. The Earth has a northern hemisphere and a southern hemisphere. The fact that some people want or need to travel between the hemispheres occasionally doesn't create a new hemisphere.

  • intersex: A birth defect, and a health condition is being confused with gender.

  • demigender: This is usually a term which encompasses one or both of bigender or gender-fluid, but with a skew towards either man or woman. For example, someone who identifies with both genders but is mostly a man, or someone who alternates between both genders, but mostly a woman. As such, the same arguments apply.

Gender ideologies exists, but our truth will prevail.